just a quick update.

I apologize if my last post was too gloomy.  I know I scared some of you into thinking I wasn't handling things very well, but I PROMISE I really am doing very well.  The last post was just the hard things that come along with this cancer crap.  But they don't bog me down long at all most of the time :)

We officially made it through half way!  In fact we are one day away from being 2/3rds done!  February 24th is his last day and I think it will be a new holiday in our lives :)

Nate is still such a boss.  The effects are starting to settle in a little more, but we both are still surprised how well he is handling it.  These days a nap is mandatoryfor him, most all food tastes bad, minor mouth sores, and he feels a little achy and more rundown.  However, to the unknowing eye you would never guess he is feeling bad.  We still get out of the house for a little everyday.  Sometimes it's just to run to the store, but other times he is feeling good enough to bike a few miles of my run with me or even run/walk himself!  12 more treatments left and hopefully we can just heal from there and have no more treatment!  I have been surprised how patient I have been through this process, but as it draws closer to an end, I am growing impatient and I just want to know if this is really our last phase.  I know I should plan on more treatment just to not be disappointed, especially since he has a decent chance of the cancer returning in the first 2 years, but I'm very hopeful that this is the last phase of actual treatment.  I know he has like 5 follow-up surgeries, but I'm just ready to be done with the actual cancer treatment.  So here's to getting off the hook and being done with the cancer treatment in 2.5 weeks!

I've never loved crossing off days as much as I have lately!
Life outside of cancer & treatments has actually been really enjoyable.  I don't know what Ames & I are going to do when Nate goes back to work down the road - we have grown way too attached to having him with us 24/7.  I know it's not for a good reason that he is home with us, but I seriously love it.

Anyway, Imma keep this post short & sweet - just a quick update for our faithful followers in this battle.

We love you all & still feel every prayer, thought, & deed.