- Why did you start blogging? I started blogging when Nate and I moved to Georgia in an attempt to keep our families and friends updated on us. Though it's turned into an outlet for me where I can just ramble all I want.
- What is your favorite post you've written? Hmmmm...THIS ONE because it made me realize a lot and I can now look back at how I have been so blessed since then and THIS ONE because, well, it describes me too well :)
- What is your favorite article of clothing you own? Nate's t-shirts. Yes, I have taken over a handful of them and now own them.
- What's your favorite band? Oh good gravy. I don't know. I have been thinking of doing a blog of all my favorite musicians, bands, and songs though. So stay tuned...tuned...get it?! haha.
- What kind of posts do you enjoy reading from other bloggers? Posts that are meaningful and thoughtful. Where you can actually see the world from their perspective. And funny ones of course .
- What's your favorite liquid? I love me some 7-UP. And grape 'drank'.
- Who is your favorite celebrity? ummm I dunno. I'm not into celebrities too much.
- Which blog is your very favorite to read? It depends on the kind of blog... but I always love reading yours Tess! I always laugh :)
- What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend? I love being family when we can and I like to do outdoor stuff and just not thinking about responsibilities.
- What movie have you seen recently that you liked? Pitch Perfect was pretty funny :) that's like the only movie I have seen in a long time.
- What's the first thing that you do when you wake up? Pray
Alright, now for my Questions...